The Operation to Reduce Coronavirus Fear with Nature
Hope Rising World  under work coming soon

Title: The Operation to Reduce Coronavirus Fear with Nature

Title: The Operation to Reduce Coronavirus Fear with Nature

Objective: Promote the benefits of nature for mental and physical wellbeing during the pandemic, encourage safe outdoor activities, and advocate responsible park visitation.

I. Introduction

A. Background on Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on mental health

B. Importance of nature for mental and physical wellbeing

C. Campaign goals and objectives

II. Partnership and Collaboration

A. National and state park authorities

B. Public health organizations

C. Environmental groups

D. Local experts and influencers

III. Educational and Promotional Material

A. Videos featuring national and state parks

B. Blog posts on the benefits of nature during the pandemic

C. Social media graphics and posts

D. Brochures and flyers for distribution at parks

IV. Permits and Permissions

A. Event permits for national and state parks

B. Filming permits for promotional material

C. COVID-19 safety protocol compliance

V. Events and Activities

A. Guided nature walks

B. Mindfulness and meditation sessions

C. Outdoor workshops and educational sessions

D. Virtual events for those unable to attend in person

VI. Promotion and Outreach

A. Social media campaigns

B. Email newsletters

C. Influencer partnerships

D. Media coverage

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation

A. Event attendance tracking

B. Social media engagement analysis

C. Participant feedback and testimonials

D. Adjust strategies based on evaluation results

VIII. Ongoing Engagement

A. Post-campaign communication with participants and partners

B. Sharing resources and information on nature's benefits

C. Continued promotion of responsible park visitation

Conclusion: By implementing the "Operation to Reduce Coronavirus Fear with Nature" campaign, Hope Rising World can effectively support mental and physical wellbeing during the pandemic, encourage safe outdoor activities, and promote responsible park visitation.
by Communication Dept.



This essay competition is organized to raise global awareness about the development of artificial intelligence and environmental issues on Earth. Through this competition, students can present new ideas and perspectives on how artificial intelligence can contribute to solving the problems on Earth with their creative ideas. Additionally, this competition provides an opportunity for students to enhance their creative problem-solving and communication skills, and to contribute to the discovery of new ideas and solutions for the eternal survival of humanity. 

Hope Rising World (HRW)


HRW is committed to creating positive change in the world by supporting underprivileged individuals and communities. We believe that by providing opportunities for those in need, we can help them improve their lives and create a brighter future. By organizing fundraising events that promote music, documentary films, competitions, and other events, we will work to achieve our goals and make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

Title: The Operation to Reduce Coronavirus Fear with Nature

Objective: Promote the benefits of nature for mental and physical wellbeing during the pandemic, encourage safe outdoor activities, and advocate responsible park visitation.

I. Introduction

A. Background on Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on mental health

B. Importance of nature for mental and physical wellbeing

C. Campaign goals and objectives

II. Partnership and Collaboration

A. National and state park authorities

B. Public health organizations

C. Environmental groups

D. Local experts and influencers

III. Educational and Promotional Material

A. Videos featuring national and state parks

B. Blog posts on the benefits of nature during the pandemic

C. Social media graphics and posts

D. Brochures and flyers for distribution at parks

IV. Permits and Permissions

A. Event permits for national and state parks

B. Filming permits for promotional material

C. COVID-19 safety protocol compliance

V. Events and Activities

A. Guided nature walks

B. Mindfulness and meditation sessions

C. Outdoor workshops and educational sessions

D. Virtual events for those unable to attend in person

VI. Promotion and Outreach

A. Social media campaigns

B. Email newsletters

C. Influencer partnerships

D. Media coverage

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation

A. Event attendance tracking

B. Social media engagement analysis

C. Participant feedback and testimonials

D. Adjust strategies based on evaluation results

VIII. Ongoing Engagement

A. Post-campaign communication with participants and partners

B. Sharing resources and information on nature's benefits

C. Continued promotion of responsible park visitation

Conclusion: By implementing the "Operation to Reduce Coronavirus Fear with Nature" campaign, Hope Rising World can effectively support mental and physical wellbeing during the pandemic, encourage safe outdoor activities, and promote responsible park visitation.

Hope Rising World Essay Competition 


Introducing our upcoming Essay Competition Project: "Can We Solve the End of the World with AI?" by Communication Dept.


The Communication Dept. is organizing an essay competition entitled "Can We Solve the End of the World with AI?" to raise global awareness about the development of artificial intelligence and the environmental challenges facing our planet. This competition invites students to present fresh ideas and perspectives on how artificial intelligence can contribute to addressing Earth's problems through their creative insights.

Not only does this competition provide an opportunity for students to enhance their creative problem-solving and communication skills, but it also encourages the discovery of new ideas and solutions for humanity's enduring survival. By participating in this essay competition, students can make their voices heard and play an active role in shaping a brighter future for our world.

Join us in exploring the potential of AI to solve Earth's pressing issues and support Hope Rising World's mission to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. Together, we can create a hopeful world.

Title: Establishing an Official Rescue Team for the Future of Humanity on Earth  by Hope Rising World

Title: Establishing an Official Rescue Team for the Future of Humanity on Earth  by Hope Rising World Director Oshell Oh


The earth has been through numerous natural catastrophes throughout its history, and the human race faces an unprecedented crisis. We must act now to ensure the survival and sustainability of our planet and its inhabitants for generations to come. It is essential to establish an official rescue team for the future of humanity on earth to prepare for and mitigate the impact of natural disasters, climate change, and other threats to our survival.


Throughout human history, political ideology has often focused on maintaining power rather than promoting new ideas or the freedom of individuals. This has led to violations of human rights and a lack of urgency in addressing global challenges such as climate change. Economic profit has become a central problem in contributing to global warming, and we must take steps to prioritize sustainability over short-term gain.


The primary goal of the official rescue team is to ensure the survival of humanity on earth for generations to come. This will require a transformational approach to our political and economic systems, as well as the development of new solutions for mitigating the impact of natural disasters and climate change. The team must work towards creating a sense of urgency and solidarity among nations to prioritize sustainability over conflicts of interest.


The official rescue team will work towards the following actions:

Develop new solutions for mitigating the impact of natural disasters and climate change on human life and the environment.

Establish space shelters for future natural disasters and explore the possibility of colonizing other planets.

Promote a sense of urgency and solidarity among nations to prioritize sustainability over conflicts of interest.

Develop a global framework for addressing climate change and other environmental challenges.

Create policies and regulations that prioritize sustainability over short-term economic gain.


The establishment of an official rescue team for the future of humanity on earth is essential to ensure the survival and sustainability of our planet and its inhabitants. We must take immediate action to prioritize sustainability over conflicts of interest and work towards a transformational approach to our political and economic systems. Our descendants' future depends on our actions today.

Hope Rising World Director Oshell Oh

"Hope Rising World Logo Presentation:

The octagon shape in the logo represents renewal, rebirth, regeneration, and transition. It symbolizes the idea of new beginnings and starting afresh.

The eagle, placed at the top of the logo, represents inspiration, victory, longevity, speed, pride, fatherhood, and royalty. It symbolizes the soaring spirit and the courage to overcome challenges.

The balance scales in the logo symbolize justice and fairness, which are essential values for a world that aims to foster hope and optimism.

The star in the logo represents the warfare between light or spirit and darkness or material forces. It symbolizes the constant struggle between good and evil and the human quest for meaning and purpose.

The five sprouts in the middle of the logo represent new hope, a beginning or a fresh start, and growth. They also represent the five continents: Europe (blue), Asia (yellow), Africa (black), The Americas (red), and Oceania (green).

Each sprout has a heart symbol inside it, which represents compassion, understanding, life-giving, and complexity. It is a symbol for love and carries a sense of intellect and understanding, as well as connotations of the soul, will, and courage.

The Hope Rising World Logo was designed by Director Oshell Oh, who has imbued it with deep symbolism and meaning to inspire hope and optimism for a better future."

"Can we solve the end of the world with AI?"  

Competition Details:

The competition theme is "Can we solve the end of the world with AI?" Participants are required to write an essay analyzing and proposing solutions to the problems on Earth with the use of AI technology.


Eligibility: Elementary school students, middle school students, and high school students (separate categories for each grade).

Participation: Online registration and essay submission.

Evaluation Criteria: Creativity, problem recognition and solving skills, language proficiency, and understanding of AI technology will be used as the evaluation criteria.

Awards: Outstanding awards and Grand prizes will be awarded for each grade, as well as incentives.

Competition Schedule:

Registration period: February 11th to June 10th

Essay submission period: March 1st to Aug 30th

Announcement of results: Oct. 10

Award ceremony: Dec. 1st

Hope Rising World Nonprofit Organization aims to promote awareness of how AI technology can contribute to solving global problems and reward students who demonstrate creativity and critical thinking to help ensure the continued survival of humanity.

 This year's theme is "Can we solve the end of the world with AI?" AI technology has the potential to solve problems that may be difficult for humans to solve quickly and accurately. However, since some problems cannot be solved with AI technology alone, participants should recognize the importance of collaboration between humans and AI and propose ways to use AI technology more efficiently.

 The competition is open to elementary, middle, and high school students, and participants can register and submit their essays online. Essays must analyze the use of AI technology to address problems on Earth.

Hope Rising World Essay Competition Projects:

Introducing our upcoming Essay Competition Project:
"Can We Solve the End of the World with AI?" by Communication Dept.


The Communication Dept. is organizing an essay competition entitled "Can We Solve the End of the World with AI?" to raise global awareness about the development of artificial intelligence and the environmental challenges facing our planet. This competition invites students to present fresh ideas and perspectives on how artificial intelligence can contribute to addressing Earth's problems through their creative insights.

Not only does this competition provide an opportunity for students to enhance their creative problem-solving and communication skills, but it also encourages the discovery of new ideas and solutions for humanity's enduring survival. By participating in this essay competition, students can make their voices heard and play an active role in shaping a brighter future for our world.

Join us in exploring the potential of AI to solve Earth's pressing issues and support Hope Rising World's mission to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. Together, we can create a hopeful world.

Hope Rising World Essay Competition Projects:

Hope Rising World Essay Competition Projects:

Introducing our upcoming Essay Competition Project: "Can We Solve the End of the World with AI?" by Communication Dept.


The Communication Dept. is organizing an essay competition entitled "Can We Solve the End of the World with AI?" to raise global awareness about the development of artificial intelligence and the environmental challenges facing our planet. This competition invites students to present fresh ideas and perspectives on how artificial intelligence can contribute to addressing Earth's problems through their creative insights.

Not only does this competition provide an opportunity for students to enhance their creative problem-solving and communication skills, but it also encourages the discovery of new ideas and solutions for humanity's enduring survival. By participating in this essay competition, students can make their voices heard and play an active role in shaping a brighter future for our world.

Join us in exploring the potential of AI to solve Earth's pressing issues and support Hope Rising World's mission to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. Together, we can create a hopeful world.